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    अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपतिले गरे युक्रेनलाई सहायता दिने विधेयकमा हस्ताक्षर
    अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडनले केही समयभित्रै किएभलाई सहयोग पठाउन थाल्ने बताएका छन्। ​युक्रेनका लागि अति आवश्यक सैन्य सहायतालाई अनुमति दिनेसम्बन्धी विधेयकमा बुधबार हस्ताक्षर गरेपछि बाइडेनले किएभलाई नयाँ सहयोग पठाउन थाल्ने बताएका हुन्। इजरायल र ताइवानका लागि सहयोग र संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकामा टिकटकमाथि सम्भावित प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने उपायसहित ९५ अर्ब डलरको प्याकेज पारित भएको छ, जुन महिनौँको ढिलाइपछि आएको हो। यसले युक्रेनी सेनालाई गोलाबारुदको अभाव र युद्धभूमिको असफलताको सामना गर्नुपरेको थियो। &...
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    गोरखा अस्पतालमा निकालियो एक किलोको ट्युमर र पाठेघर
    पर्वत : गोरखाको गोरखा अस्पतालमा पहिलो पटक दूरबीनको माध्यमबाट महिलाको पाठेघर निकाल्ने सफल शल्यक्रिया भएको छ। स्वास्थ्य निर्देशनालय गण्डकी प्रदेशका अनुसार गोरखाको भीमसेन थापा गाउँपालिका–१ की ३८ वर्षिया महिलाको सफल शल्यक्रिया गरिएको हो। करिब एक वर्षदेखि तल्लो पेटमा निरन्तर दुखिरहेको भनी उपचारका लागि गोरखा अस्पताल पुगेकी ती महिलाको भिडियो एक्स–रे गर्दा पाठेघरमा १० सेन्टिमिटरको ट्युमर देखियो थियो। विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सकहरूको सल्लाह अनुसार पाठेघरको शल्यक्रिया गर्नुपर्ने भएकोले ल्याप्रोस्कोपिक सर्जरी अर्थात् दूरबिनको...
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    उपनिर्वाचन हुने इलाम र बझाङमा मौन अवधि सुरु
    १३ चैत, काठमाडौं । यही वैशाख १५ गते उपनिर्वाचन हुन लागेका जिल्ला इलाम र बझाङ जिल्लामा आजदेखि मतगणना सम्पन्न नभएसम्मका लागि प्रचार प्रसार निषेध गरिएको छ । निर्वाचन आचारसंहिता अनुसार निर्वाचन हुनुभन्दा ४८ घण्टा अघिदेखि मौन …
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    ‘जंकफुड त बच्चाका लागि विषजस्तै हो’
    काठमाडौं । ‘जंकफुड हानिकारक छ’ भनी चर्को स्वरमा निरन्तर खबरदारी गरिरहेकी छिन्, डा. अरुणा उप्रेती । लेख, अन्तर्वार्ता मात्र होइन, सामाजिक सञ्जालबाट पनि उनी यही कुरा जोडतोडले भनिरहेकी छिन्, ‘पत्रु खाना (जंकफुड) मानव स्वास्थ्यका लागि …
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    प्रेरक प्रसंग : नर्तकीलाई स्वर्ग
    कुनै एउटा सहरमा एकजना साधु बस्थे । उनी दिनभर आश्रममा आएका भक्तजनलाई उपदेश दिने गर्थे । सोही सहरमा एक नर्तकी पनि
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    नेपाल–कतार सहकार्यको नयाँ अध्याय
    प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्ड र कतारका राजा थानीबीच दुईपटक एक्लाएक्लै वार्ता, औपचारिक वार्तामा लगानीका क्षेत्र
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  • Allegedly, AAP MP Raghav Chadha has offered to turn approver in return for Immunity in liquor policy case. - Sources

    If accepted by ED & CBI, Expect Arvind Kejriwal to not come out of Jail for atleast 5-6 yrs. Not only Kejriwal, it will be a final kneel for Atishi Marlena & Saurabh Bhardwaj also.
    Allegedly, AAP MP Raghav Chadha has offered to turn approver in return for Immunity in liquor policy case. - Sources If accepted by ED & CBI, Expect Arvind Kejriwal to not come out of Jail for atleast 5-6 yrs. Not only Kejriwal, it will be a final kneel for Atishi Marlena & Saurabh Bhardwaj also.
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  • What will Abdul and Amar's father give to their children will be decided by Congress govt if voted to power: Pradeep Bhandari slams congress plan to tax civilian's wealth
    What will Abdul and Amar's father give to their children will be decided by Congress govt if voted to power: Pradeep Bhandari slams congress plan to tax civilian's wealth
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  • If you die, your wealth will be redistributed

    55% goes to Congress Govt
    45% goes to your heir

    Congress Govt will then distribute your 55% wealth to their favourite vote banks - Sam pitroda (advisor to Rahul Gandhi)

    That will kick of final breakdown of Indian Hindu families
    If you die, your wealth will be redistributed 55% goes to Congress Govt 45% goes to your heir Congress Govt will then distribute your 55% wealth to their favourite vote banks - Sam pitroda (advisor to Rahul Gandhi) That will kick of final breakdown of Indian Hindu families
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 136 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • 1962 में भारत-चीन युद्ध के दौरान नेहरू सरकार ने विज्ञापन निकालकर लोगों से पैसा और महिलाओं से सोना और गहने दान में देने की अपील की।इसके लिए सरकारी केंद्र बनाये गये जहां महिलाओं ने अपने मंगल सूत्र तक दान कर दिए ताकि भारतीय सेना को चीन से लड़ने के लिए संसाधन मिल सकें।
    भारत के लोगों ने उस समय 8 करोड़ ₹ और 252 किलो ग्राम सोना सरकार के National Defence Fund में दे दिया।

    हम वो युद्ध हार गये लेकिन उस पैसे का हिसाब कभी नहीं मिला।
    1962 में भारत-चीन युद्ध के दौरान नेहरू सरकार ने विज्ञापन निकालकर लोगों से पैसा और महिलाओं से सोना और गहने दान में देने की अपील की।इसके लिए सरकारी केंद्र बनाये गये जहां महिलाओं ने अपने मंगल सूत्र तक दान कर दिए ताकि भारतीय सेना को चीन से लड़ने के लिए संसाधन मिल सकें। भारत के लोगों ने उस समय 8 करोड़ ₹ और 252 किलो ग्राम सोना सरकार के National Defence Fund में दे दिया। हम वो युद्ध हार गये लेकिन उस पैसे का हिसाब कभी नहीं मिला।
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    Antony Blinken is in China now and One of the critical topic of discussion is to🔥 eastern fence in winters this year
    INPUT Antony Blinken is in China now and One of the critical topic of discussion is to🔥 eastern fence in winters this year
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  • Hopefully the startup crowd of Bangalore will turn out in full force to vote this week to avoid Harsh Mander and Yogendra Yadav decide how ESOPs will work moving forward
    Hopefully the startup crowd of Bangalore will turn out in full force to vote this week to avoid Harsh Mander and Yogendra Yadav decide how ESOPs will work moving forward
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  • Just consider the trajectory of Congress on Muslim politics while it was in power between 2004-2014.
    Makes it obvious then what is their pernicious agenda in 2024 manifesto.

    1) 2004: Anti-terror law POTA repealed by Congress. Opening up India to a decade of regular terrorist attacks.

    2) 2006: Appointment of Sachar Commission to survey Muslims in jobs - including Armed Forces

    3) 2006: Manmohan Singh formulating 'Minorities, particularly Muslims minorities have first claim to resources'

    4) 2007: Invention of 'Saffron Terror" bogey by Congress ecosystem and converting a Pakistani terror plot into a saffron terror act.

    5) 2008: Entire Congress system besmirching police officers who killed terrorists in Batla House encounter by calling the encounter fake. As per Salman Khursheed, Sonia Gandhi even cried after seeing pics of bodies.

    6) 2009: Chidambaram led Home Ministry filing affidavit that Ishrat Jahan, a terrorist claimed by even LeT, was in fact a wronged girl. Congress ecosystem then anointed her as a heroine.

    7) 2010: Digvijay Singh releasing a book which claimed 26/11 was RSS conspiracy. This when Kasab had been caught alive.

    😎 2011: The Communal Violence Bill proposed by NAC run by Sonia Gandhi, which would have reduced Hindus to second class citizenship in their own country.

    So....don't be surprised when Congress in its 2024 manifesto talks of redistribution of wealth, expanding affirmative action ...and its minorities section making it amply clear that who will be the beneficiary of these moves

    We can not forget RTE act , where convent and minority schools had exemption.
    Just consider the trajectory of Congress on Muslim politics while it was in power between 2004-2014. Makes it obvious then what is their pernicious agenda in 2024 manifesto. 1) 2004: Anti-terror law POTA repealed by Congress. Opening up India to a decade of regular terrorist attacks. 2) 2006: Appointment of Sachar Commission to survey Muslims in jobs - including Armed Forces 3) 2006: Manmohan Singh formulating 'Minorities, particularly Muslims minorities have first claim to resources' 4) 2007: Invention of 'Saffron Terror" bogey by Congress ecosystem and converting a Pakistani terror plot into a saffron terror act. 5) 2008: Entire Congress system besmirching police officers who killed terrorists in Batla House encounter by calling the encounter fake. As per Salman Khursheed, Sonia Gandhi even cried after seeing pics of bodies. 6) 2009: Chidambaram led Home Ministry filing affidavit that Ishrat Jahan, a terrorist claimed by even LeT, was in fact a wronged girl. Congress ecosystem then anointed her as a heroine. 7) 2010: Digvijay Singh releasing a book which claimed 26/11 was RSS conspiracy. This when Kasab had been caught alive. 😎 2011: The Communal Violence Bill proposed by NAC run by Sonia Gandhi, which would have reduced Hindus to second class citizenship in their own country. So....don't be surprised when Congress in its 2024 manifesto talks of redistribution of wealth, expanding affirmative action ...and its minorities section making it amply clear that who will be the beneficiary of these moves We can not forget RTE act , where convent and minority schools had exemption.
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  • Very few people in politics have guts, George Sir was one of them

    India's former Defence Minister late Shri "George Fernandes" showing his respect for Antonio Maino
    Very few people in politics have guts, George Sir was one of them India's former Defence Minister late Shri "George Fernandes" showing his respect for Antonio Maino
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  • Another one

    .@RahulGandhi off late u stopped taking Ambani name along with Adani

    Is it bcas Ambani agreed not to block forign players in his business especially Jio but Adani didn't in his shipping port business?

    Is it true ur friends don't like Adani expanding in Shipping and ports? WHY
    Another one .@RahulGandhi off late u stopped taking Ambani name along with Adani Is it bcas Ambani agreed not to block forign players in his business especially Jio but Adani didn't in his shipping port business? Is it true ur friends don't like Adani expanding in Shipping and ports? WHY
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 131 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Another critical tweet for u to copy and ask Rahul Gandhi

    .@RahulGandhi is it true that in ur last trip to EU, you visited Poland for 2.5 days, Latvia for a day and Milan for a day? Why

    What for Latvia? A hidden meeting point?
    Another critical tweet for u to copy and ask Rahul Gandhi .@RahulGandhi is it true that in ur last trip to EU, you visited Poland for 2.5 days, Latvia for a day and Milan for a day? Why What for Latvia? A hidden meeting point?
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 128 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Another tweet for you to copy and post on twitter

    .@RahulGandhi what was core objective of #RedistributionOfWealth as discussed in meeting on 5 march 2023 at London?

    To break the Hindu family system and destroy Sanatan values in long term and finally break up Bharat which is lSl, ClA and MSS core objective?
    Another tweet for you to copy and post on twitter .@RahulGandhi what was core objective of #RedistributionOfWealth as discussed in meeting on 5 march 2023 at London? To break the Hindu family system and destroy Sanatan values in long term and finally break up Bharat which is lSl, ClA and MSS core objective?
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 150 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • another tweet for u to copy on twitter

    .@RahulGandhi is it true that #RedistributionOfWealth was key point in discussion in London meeting on 5 March 2023 with ClA dy dir and lSl but it was suppose to be hidden objective but ur loud mouth @sampitroda goofed up by disclosing it in manifesto?
    another tweet for u to copy on twitter .@RahulGandhi is it true that #RedistributionOfWealth was key point in discussion in London meeting on 5 March 2023 with ClA dy dir and lSl but it was suppose to be hidden objective but ur loud mouth @sampitroda goofed up by disclosing it in manifesto?
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 135 Visualizações 0 Anterior
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