
1 State
TMC: ₹1,620 Cr
BRS: ₹1,215 Cr
BJD: ₹776 Cr
DMK: ₹639 Cr
YSR: ₹337 Cr

3 States
Cong: ₹474 Cr/ state (₹1,422Cr)

18 States & Center
BJP: ₹336 Cr/ state (₹6,061 Cr) not including the center.

Again Regional Parties, Wow 😳

#ElectoralBond 1 State TMC: ₹1,620 Cr BRS: ₹1,215 Cr BJD: ₹776 Cr DMK: ₹639 Cr YSR: ₹337 Cr 3 States Cong: ₹474 Cr/ state (₹1,422Cr) 18 States & Center BJP: ₹336 Cr/ state (₹6,061 Cr) not including the center. Again Regional Parties, Wow 😳 #ElectoralBondScam #ElectoralBondsScam
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