In the tapestry of life, there are threads of joy, love, and laughter that weave together our most cherished moments. However, there are moments that unravel the very fabric of our existence, leaving us grappling with an overwhelming sense of loss and despair. Such is the tragedy that has befallen us with the untimely departure of Swadesh Sedai, a promising soul who had just embarked on his journey in the vast expanse of Australia.

Short documentry on Swadesh Sedai

As we bid farewell to Swadesh and wish for his soul to find peace in the realm beyond, our hearts are burdened with an indescribable agony. It is a pain that cuts deep, especially when it involves letting go of one's only son. The dreams and aspirations that once danced in the eyes of a young man with a bright future ahead have been extinguished, leaving behind a void that can never be filled.

Swadesh Sedai, who excelled in his studies, had only just begun to explore the opportunities that the new world held for him. Yet, in a tragic turn of events, he made the heart-wrenching decision to end his own life. In the face of such profound sorrow, we gather to pay our respects and offer prayers for his peaceful journey into the unknown.

This somber moment serves as a poignant reminder to parents everywhere about the potential mental struggles our young ones may be facing. The daily routines and activities may not always reveal the inner turmoil brewing within their minds. It is imperative that we, as a society, take a collective stand to address and understand the mental well-being of our youth.

In our grief, let us turn to the teachings of our ancient scriptures – the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, and our Sastras. These invaluable texts carry the wisdom to navigate the complexities of the human mind and provide solace in times of distress. If we advocate for the inclusion of such teachings in our education system, we can equip our children with the tools to face life's challenges with resilience and grace.

Our Sastras guide us towards overcoming mental struggles in a swift and beautiful manner. The time has come for us to unite and amplify this message. Swadesh Foundation Nepal has taken this challenge to not let innocent young people take their own lives by starting a campaign to Say No To Suicide. We can all contribute to this noble cause with whatever capacity we wish to. Let's join hands and save our kids! In honoring Swadesh Sedai's memory, let us pledge to create a society where the seeds of mental well-being are sown early, ensuring that our youth blossom into resilient individuals capable of facing life's adversities. May our collective efforts bring about a positive change, preventing the tragic loss of precious lives like Swadesh's.

Swadesh Foundation Nepal ( 
Om Shanti.