In the palm of tiny hands, unfolds a modern tale of innocence lost – a narrative dominated by glowing screens. Today's children, captivated by the digital enchantment, find themselves engrossed in a world vastly different from the one many of us experienced in our childhood.

In an era where mobile devices dictate the rhythm of daily life, even the act of enjoying a meal becomes a captive affair. Unbeknownst to these young minds, the consequences of this habit can be dire, affecting their well-being. The damage unfolds quietly, as children, absorbed in screens, traverse a path yet to be fully understood.

Reflecting on our own childhood, devoid of these digital devices, we recall a time of boundless joy and imagination. Leaves and feathers transformed into treasures, and the pursuit of simple pleasures like playing chungi, tyre race, dandi biyo, rubber band, chasing birds or building sandcastles defined our days. In those moments, creativity ruled, with pencils becoming wands and erasers magical tools.

Today's children, however, experience a different reality. Their eyes are glued to screens, and the enchanting hum of electronics has replaced the once familiar pitter-patter of tiny feet. The serenity of nature, which was the backdrop of our childhood dreams, has given way to a world dominated by pixels and electronic sounds.

Lost in the virtual world, today's children might be missing out on the simple joys that defined our own youth. As we ponder the allure of screens and the cost of childhood lost in a mobile-driven daze, let us strive to rediscover and preserve the timeless joys of a bygone era. In doing so, we can offer today's children the chance to experience the unbridled magic of a childhood filled with imagination, simplicity, and genuine connection.