Keyless entry technology has become increasingly popular in new cars today, providing drivers with the convenience of being able to unlock and start their vehicle with the key in their pocket. However, this technology has also led to an increase in car thefts in the UK. According to the Office for National Statistics, keyless car thefts accounted for 94% of all vehicles recovered by Tracker in 2021, reaching a record high. Despite this, a recent AA study revealed that half of car owners do not take measures to protect their keyless car keys.

This article explores how keyless entry works, how thieves steal keyless cars, and provides tips on how to protect your car from keyless car theft.

How does keyless entry work?

A keyless car key has a transceiver that can send and receive encrypted radio frequency signals. When the key is within short-range distance of the car, it transmits a signal that is picked up by the car’s receiver. The onboard computer then confirms the signal and unlocks the door. The same key is used to start the engine, and the car can lock itself when the key is out of range.

How do thieves steal keyless cars?

Keyless car theft, also known as ‘relay theft’ or ‘relay attack,’ is a simple and quick process. Thieves usually work in pairs, with one using a relay device to capture the car key signal and transmit it to the target car, while the other stands near the car to receive the signal and unlock the car.

How to protect your car from keyless theft?

There are several ways to protect your keyless entry car from theft.

Firstly, you can put your car key in a signal-blocking key wallet, also known as a Faraday keyfob pouch. This provides a signal blocker for your car key, preventing thieves from picking up and relaying signals from your key, shielding against break-ins and keyless theft. Alternatively, you can place your car key in a metal container, such as a biscuit tin, for a quick and easy solution.

Secondly, you can invest in a steering wheel lock, a traditional yet effective method to secure your car. This also acts as a visual deterrent for car thieves.

Finally, park your car defensively. If you park on the street, ensure that it is in a well-lit area and, if possible, in view of your home.

In conclusion, keyless entry technology offers convenience to car owners, but it also comes with a risk of keyless car theft. By taking simple measures such as using a signal-blocking key wallet or a steering wheel lock, you can protect your car from theft and deter potential thieves.

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